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摘要:②on与名词搭配(注意冠词的取舍):on duty(值班),on business(出差),on fire(燃烧),on show(展览),on time(准时),on strike(罢工),on watch(监视,观察),on sale(出售;减价出售),on earth(到底,究竟),on journey(旅游),on foot(步行),on purpose(故意),on the way(在路上),on the contrary(相 反),on the one hand(一方面),on the right(在右边),on the whole(总而言之),on one's own(独自 ),on one's side(支持,站在某一方),on holiday/leave(度假/请假)③其它情况:later on(后来),from now/then on(从现在/那时起),on account of(由于,因为)上一页 [1] [2]


  on duty(值班),on business(出差),on fire(燃烧),on show(展览),on time(准时),on strike(罢工),on watch(监视,观察),on sale(出售;减价出售),on earth(到底,究竟),on journey(旅游),on foot(步行),on purpose(故意),on the way(在路上),on the contrary(相 反),on the one hand(一方面),on the right(在右边),on the whole(总而言之),on one's own(独自 ),on one's side(支持,站在某一方),on holiday/leave(度假/请假)


  later on(后来),from now/then on(从现在/那时起),on account of(由于,因为)

上一页  [1] [2] 

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