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摘要:Travel由www.67xuexi.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.67xuexi.com www.67xuexi.comThe Grand Canyon is one of the sights of the world. 大峡谷是世界名胜之一。have good( poor) sight( eyesight) 视力良好(不好)/ in( within) sight; out of sight看得见;看不见Land was not yet in sight. 陆地仍然望不见 / Victory was still out of sight. 胜利尚不可及7)see sb. off—go to the railway station, dock, airport, etc. with sb., who is starting on a journey 到火车站,码头,飞机场等送某人Is anybody seeing you off? 有人送你吗?the same usage: 1) see something (somebody) out (through


  The Grand Canyon is one of the sights of the world. 大峡谷是世界名胜之一。

  have good( poor) sight( eyesight) 视力良好(不好)/ in( within) sight; out of sight看得见;看不见

  Land was not yet in sight. 陆地仍然望不见 / Victory was still out of sight. 胜利尚不可及

  7)see sb. off

  —go to the railway station, dock, airport, etc. with sb., who is starting on a journey 到火车站,码头,飞机场等送某人

  Is anybody seeing you off? 有人送你吗?

  the same usage:

  1) see something (somebody) out (through)办好某事(送某人出去);使某事顺利通过

  2) see somebody later (again)再见

  注意:以上例句中out, off, through, later (again)都是adv.。如果动词宾语是代词,应把宾语置于以上副词之前。



  A. Give my regards/ best wishes / love to…

  B. Say “Hi/Hello/ Sorry/ Yes/ No” to sb.


  Have a nice/ good/ wonderful time.

  —Have a nice weekend!

  —The same to you.


  How about sb./ sth.?


be + v-ing表一般将来时态

  go, come, leave, start, arrive, move, stay等瞬间动词用于进行时态时,表示将来含义。如:

  I’m leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 明天我要去北京。


  l)will/ shall +动词原形。

  They will go to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.

  2)be going to do sth. 表示打算要做或准备要做某事,或将要发生或肯定要发生的事。如:It is going to snow.天要下雪了。

  3)一般现在时表将来时,表示按计划或时刻表要发生的事,仅用于come, get, go, leave, start, stay等表来去的少数动词。如:

  The plane leaves at seven. So I think we’ll take a taxi to the airport.飞机7点起飞,所以我们将要乘出租车去机场。

  4)be about to do sth. 表正要做某事,但不和具体的时间连用。如:

  I was about to leave when he came to see me. 我正要离开,这时他来看我。

4.Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days’ time.

   I’m going there for holiday with my parents.


   Sunday is a holiday.

  The summer holidays begin.

  They had a five day’s holiday.

  They had a five-day holiday.

  They had a holiday of five days.

  搭配一:for holiday 度假

  A French student went to London for his holiday.

  搭配二:on holiday 正在休假

  She is on holiday in France.

  [注意]表示放多少天假时,只能用 “a holiday of … days”, “…days’ holiday”或 “…day holiday”.

  This summer we have 50 days’ holidays.

  This summer we have a holiday of 50 (days).

  搭配三:have/take/spend a holiday 度假

  I spent my holiday in the village.

  搭配四:summer vacation 暑假


  搭配五:sick leave病假

  [注意] leave多指军队等的假期,亦指病假。

  辨析 shout at/shout to

  shout at 的意思是“对某人大声叫嚷”含有警告责备等含义。shout to 则是“大声喊叫某人”,使对方能听到喊声。例如:

   (1)Why shout at me all the time? Is it possible that I have done something wrong?   为什么老对我大叫大嚷?莫非我做错了什么?

  (2)I heard someone shout to me in the distance. 我听到有人在远处叫我。
教学设计方案----Lesson 13

(一)Teaching Aims

  1. To understand the dialogue fully.

  2. To develop the Ss' ability to make similar dialogues using present continuous tense for the plan in the near future.

  3. To study the usage of some words and expressions in the dialogues.

 (二) Teaching procedures

Step I Introduction

  Tell the Ss that in this period we are going to study a dialogue between two girls and learn to talk about the future plan in the Present Continuous Tense and try to make a travel plan for a holiday.

Step II Dialogue

  1. T: National Day is coming. We will have a holiday. How are you going to spend it? Are you going to travel? If “yes”, answer the questions below:

  1 ) Where are you going?         2) Why are you going there?

  3) When are you starting off?     4) How are you travelling there?

  5) Is anybody seeing you off or meeting you?

  6) How long are you going to stay?

   ( Ask these questions in the Present Continuous Tense. )

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