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摘要:is the cat? It’s on the bed. A What B Where连线.(12分)1 Let’s go swimming. A Yes, it is.2 Do you like ice cream? B OK.3 Is it under the bed? C Yes, I do.4 How many dogs? D They’re cows.5 What are they? E No, they don’t.6 Do they like dogs? F Twelve dogs.上一页 [1] [2]

  is the cat? It’s on the bed.          A What    B Where


  1 Let’s go swimming.                      A Yes, it is.

  2 Do you like ice cream?                   B OK.

  3 Is it under the bed?                     C Yes, I do.

  4 How many dogs?                           D They’re cows.

  5 What are they?                           E No, they don’t.

  6 Do they like dogs?                       F Twelve dogs.

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