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摘要:一、单句改错(仅有一处错误) preposition mistakes介词错误(using wrong prepositions or unnecessary or lack of prepositions)1. We often play football in Saturday afternoon.2. The doctor gave him some advice about his illness.3. You are wanted by the phone.4. He asked me where I’d like to go to.5. His uncle is a man of a lot of money.6. Fish can’t live with water.7. She married to a man she didn’t love at all.8. I will call on your office tomorrow.9. He told me he didn’t agree with

一、单句改错(仅有一处错误) preposition mistakes介词错误(using wrong prepositions or unnecessary or lack of prepositions)

1. We often play football in Saturday afternoon.

2. The doctor gave him some advice about his illness.

3. You are wanted by the phone.

4. He asked me where I’d like to go to.

5. His uncle is a man of a lot of money.

6. Fish can’t live with water.

7. She married to a man she didn’t love at all.

8. I will call on your office tomorrow.

9. He told me he didn’t agree with the plan.

10. It seems that he has a chance to get on the top of the army.

11. It’s kind for you to come to see us.

12. The class is made up from 8 groups.

13. He makes a living for teaching.

14. We drove over the forest and got to the farm.

15. When the teacher came in the classroom, we were laughing.

16. Beijing is to the north of China.

17. Taiwan is to the east of China.

18. The letters PRC stand with the People’s Republic of China.

19. He kept in touch to his old friends.

20. Hangzhou is famous as its beautiful scenery.

21. You will see the house in the right.

22. They said they’d be in holiday in the countryside.

23. For a result of the limited land, it can’t provide so much grain.

24. In China the needle treatment dates in ancient times.

25. The meeting was put off with a certain reason.

26. He used to listen to the news by the radio.

27. Why did you get up so early in this morning?

28. As he was sick, he asked about a leave of absence.

29. Don’t you feel lonely living here all on yourself?

30. I was told that my mother had left Guangzhou to America.

31. They brought out a pot full with coffee.

32. The car is running in a speed of 80 K.P.H.

33. Now we can read by the help of a dictionary.

34. Sports and games are very useful to character-training.

35. The hall and the kitchen are connected of a long passage.

36. What do you want me live with without rice?

37. She asked with surprise if he’d really read all the books.

38. I don’t know the answer of this question.

39. The man had left at the time the police arrived.

40. He said that the victory (胜利)should belong with us.

41. She called on the workers to fight against their rights.

42. She said her husband had given in smoking.

43. He said he would join us on the discussion.

44. He was born by a fault in his ears.

45. She said she was caught by the heavy rain.

46. Do you have any difficulty for understanding English?

47. Can you tell the difference among A, B, and C?

48. Instead the dictionary we wanted, he bought us the wrong one.

49. Are you content to what he has done?

50. He reduced the passage by half the number of words.

二、单句改错(多一词)(please drop unnecessary words)

1. The ship changed its course because of there was a storm.

2. I had opened the door before he had not time to knock.

3. There are much many more people than I expected.

4. This train is much faster than any other car.

5. We wish to improve our work better.

6. These made them become close friends.

7. Many problems still remain unsolved.

8. I had to return the book back to the library in time.

9. I had not hardly left the house when it began to rain.

10. He began to see things more clearly and more clearly.

11. The more careful you are, the more fewer mistakes you will make.

12. Having been told many times, but he still couldn’t understand it.

13. This coat doesn’t fit for him.

14. Why not to go and ask for his advice?

15. The nice car was belonged to the young lady.

16. They are like playing football very much.

17. He is too young not to join the army.

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