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摘要:b.People are bombarded with information in the form of magazines and TV advertising. 信息以杂志和电视广告的形式向人们连续轰炸.3)trapped in the ice 是-ed 形式作定语的情况,修饰volcanic dust.8. Since most Antarctica rocks are dark in color, they stand out against the white background and are easy to identify and collect.南极洲的大多数岩石是深色的,它们在白色冰雪的映衬下格外鲜艳,也就易于识别和搜集。Stand out1)突出;显眼①The hat stood out in the window because of its strange shape. 橱窗里的那顶帽子因造型奇特而引人注目。②Words stand out well against /from a dark background.由深色底衬托出的字很

  b.People are bombarded with information in the form of magazines and TV advertising. 信息以杂志和电视广告的形式向人们连续轰炸.

  3)trapped in the ice 是-ed 形式作定语的情况,修饰volcanic dust.

  8. Since most Antarctica rocks are dark in color, they stand out against the white background and are easy to identify and collect.南极洲的大多数岩石是深色的,它们在白色冰雪的映衬下格外鲜艳,也就易于识别和搜集。

  Stand out


  ①The hat stood out in the window because of its strange shape. 橱窗里的那顶帽子因造型奇特而引人注目。

  ②Words stand out well against /from a dark background.



  They were all attractive, but she stood out from the others. 她们都很迷人,但她比其他人更有魅力。

  9. Not until the late 18th century did the British explorer James Cook cross the Atlantic Circle, but he never saw land. 直到18世纪末,英国探险家詹姆斯 · 库克才穿越了南极圈,但他却从未发现陆地. Not until 用在句首应该用倒装结构. Until 用在肯定句中主句的谓语动词应该是延续性动词, 用在否定句中用非延续性动词, 也可以用在强调句型中.例如:

  He kept working until his wife came back.

  He didn’t stop working until his wife came back.

  Not until his wife came back did he stop working.

  It was not until his wife came back that he stopped working.

  10. Then in 1895, a Norwegian called Carstens Borchgrevinl became the first man to set foot on the Antarctic mainland.后来到了1895年,一个叫卡斯腾 · 博克格雷温克的挪威人成为第一个踏上南极大陆的人. Set foot on/in 踏上;进入;涉足

  ①Don’t ever set foot in this house again! 永远别再就进这个门!

  ② After an 8-hour flight, we finally set foot on Chinese soil. 经过8个小时的飞行,我们终于踏上了中国国土.

  11. In 1961, a treaty signed by 12 countries, including Britain, France, and the USA, made Antarctica the world’s biggest nature reserve.


  1)signed 位-ed形式作定语的情况,可以转变成定语从句: which was signed by…

  2) including 为-ing 形式作定语,可以改变成非限制性定语从句:which included …

  12. In particular, it aims to keep Antarctica free from nuclear tests and radioactive waste, to promote international scientific projects; and to end arguments about who owns the land. 改条约尤其致力于保护南极洲不受核试验以及放射性废物的污染,推进国际科研项目,并且中止那些关于这片土地所有权的争论.

  1)free from 不受……影响的:没有……的

  ① Anyone who want to make progress should be free from arrogance and rashness. 凡是想进步的人都应该戒骄戒躁。

  ② He can’t write a single sentence free from mistakes. 他写不出一个没有错误的句子来。

  3)promote A.) 使(某人)提升(为……)使晋级

  ① It was not long before James Cook was promoted to the rank of first mate/ was promoted to be first mate. 没有过多久 詹姆斯 · 库克被提升为大副了。

  ② The football team was promoted to the first division 该足球对已被晋升为甲级队。


  The organization aims to promote friendship between nations 该组织旨在参加各国之间的友谊。

  promotion n. 提升;晋级;广告宣传;推销活动

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