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摘要:第三册Unit5由www.67xuexi.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.67xuexi.com1 How was your weekend? 2 It was great/good/ok. 3 What did you do over the weekend? 4 I read a book/cleaned my room/went shopping/played basketball.... Ask pairs of students to present their dialogues to the class. Finally we will choose the student who had a great weekend. Step 7 TaskSay, We have different weekends and weekdays. Sometimes it's great. Sometimes it's terrible. Now choose o

1 How was your weekend?

              2 It was great/good/ok.

              3 What did you do over the weekend?

              4 I read a book/cleaned my room/went shopping/played basketball....

Ask pairs of students to present their dialogues to the class. Finally we will choose the student who had a great weekend.

Step 7 Task

Say, We have different weekends and weekdays. Sometimes it's great. Sometimes it's terrible. Now choose one of your weekdays and weekends and tell us your story. Show two reports to the students. The students can write their stories according to the two reports. Then ask some students to read to the class.

Step 8 Summary

Get the students to make some sentences with the past tense. Pay much attention to the adverbial modifier.

Step 9 Homework

Read the passage I give you.


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