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In the library-教学教案

摘要:the lost books 丢失的书。The book was still missing.书还是找不到。lost=missing丢失的。英语中单个分词(包括现在分词和过去分词)也能作定语用,它们一般放在名词的前面。又如:a stolen car一辆失窃的汽车;a broken wind。一扇破的窗;the giving name教名,名;a surprised girl一位感到吃惊的女孩。come up withcome up with= find or produce (an answer)意为“提出,提供”,它是由动词和介词一起构成的短语动词。它的另一个意思是“赶上”。例如:I hope you can come up with a better plan than this. 我希望你能提出个更好的计划。We shall have to work hard to come up with them. 我们要努力工作,赶上他们。类似的词组有:catch up with come in forpay forpay for意为“给……报酬”,“付款”。常见句型
In the library-教学教案,标签:初三下册英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.67xuexi.com

  the lost books 丢失的书。

  The book was still missing.书还是找不到。

  lost=missing丢失的。英语中单个分词(包括现在分词和过去分词)也能作定语用,它们一般放在名词的前面。又如:a stolen car一辆失窃的汽车;a broken wind。一扇破的窗;the giving name教名,名;a surprised girl一位感到吃惊的女孩。

come up with

  come up with= find or produce (an answer)意为“提出,提供”,它是由动词和介词一起构成的短语动词。它的另一个意思是“赶上”。例如:

  I hope you can come up with a better plan than this. 我希望你能提出个更好的计划。

  We shall have to work hard to come up with them. 我们要努力工作,赶上他们。


  catch up with  come in for pay for

  pay for意为“给……报酬”,“付款”。常见句型有:(1) pay for+货物,(2) pay+名词/代词+for+物。例如:

  How much did you pay for that book?那本书你付了多少钱?

  Ill pay you five yuan for it.我将为此给你五元钱。

  Im afraid cant pay you anything for it.我恐怕不能为此给你任何报酬。

  She used to be a Chinese teacher. 她以前是一位语文老师。

  used to意为“过去经常”,它只有过去式,用于各种人称的单、复数,表示过去存在的,


  They used to come on foot,but they don’t do that again. They often come by bus. 他们过去经常步行来,现在不了。他们经常乘车来。

  used to是表示过去经常重复的动作。在表示过去的习惯时,used to是比较规则的习惯,它与would不太一样,would侧重于叙述过去的光景,used to侧重于和现在相对照。

  used to的疑问形式和否定形式可以用助词did或自身形成构成。美国人多用助动词  did;英国人多用used to本身。如:

  –Did you use to go there?

  –Yes, very often./No, only seldom.

  I used not to like Beijing opera, but now I’m very fond of it.我过去不喜欢京戏,但现在非常喜欢。

  注意区分be used to所表示的意思是“习惯于……”,后跟名词或动名词,used是一个形容词。例如:

I’m not used to drinking.我不习惯喝酒。

  She is used to running in the morning.她习惯早上跑步。

have got

  I think Ive got one.我想我有一个。

  英语中表示“所有”用have,口语中常用 have got,其否定形式为havent got,疑问形式为Have…got…?在美国英语中常使用dont have,Do… have…?例如:

  Ive got a book about chemistry. = I have a book about chemistry.我有一本化学书。

  He hasnt got an umbrella. = He doesnt have an umbrella. 他没有雨伞。

  –Have you got a pencil sharpener? = Do you have a pencil sharpener?

  –Yes, here you are.

Have you got …?句型教学建议


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