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摘要:Unit8 Adventure -Communication Workshop &Culture Corner学案Communication WorkshopPart One: (教学目标)Teaching & Learning objectives:1). To improve the ability of reading.2). To learn something about culture.(教学重点)Important Points:1). Read the text and answer the questions.2). Learn some key words.(教学难点)Difficult Points: How to improve the skills of reading:(学法指导)Learning Guide:Read,think and answer。Part Two: 教学-学习过程(Teaching & learning Procedures)Step 1. Read the Camp Xtreme and do the EX1.

Unit8 Adventure -Communication Workshop &Culture Corner学案
Communication  Workshop
Part One:
(教学目标)Teaching & Learning objectives:
1). To improve the ability of reading.
2). To learn something about culture.
(教学重点)Important Points:
1). Read the text and answer the questions.
2). Learn some key words.
(教学难点)Difficult Points: How to improve the skills of reading:
(学法指导)Learning Guide:Read,think and answer。
Part Two: 教学-学习过程(Teaching & learning Procedures)
Step 1. Read the Camp Xtreme and do the EX1.
Step 2.小组探讨时间:老师在学生做完练习题后,公布答案,然后小组成员就错题进行讨论,必要时求助老师共同解决。( 6 min)
 ( 教师走动在小组间,帮助学生答疑解惑,或处理问题。)
Step 3. Language Points:
1. Observe & Watch.
Observe: ① watch carefully, 观察,尤指用于实验或研究等场合;② see and watch, 觉察到而且“盯着看”,相当于 ”keep one’s eyes fixed on”.
Watch: 可表示“观看比赛,电影,电视”等,也可表照料,当心。
eg. The police observed her entering the bank with a gun.
2. Include & Contain
Include: 包括,其后的宾语只是整体的一部分,即“同类包括”。
Contain: 包括,其后的宾语与主语属“不同类包括”。
归纳:included adj.  including prep.
eg. The price includes the cover.
   There are 8 persons here, Xiaohua included.
   There are 8 persons here including Xiaohua.
3. ruin v. 使毁灭,变成废墟;n. 毁灭,崩溃,毁坏。
拓展:fall into ruin 崩溃  in ruins 毁坏了的 ruin oneself 自我毁灭
eg. The rain ruined my holiday.
4. agree on 就……达成一致
eg. We agreed on a price for the car.
5. take turns doing sth../ take turns to do sth 轮流做某事
We take turns to clean our classroom.
6. have fan 玩得开心
for fan 为了高兴  in fun 取乐 make fun of … 取笑…… have a lot of fun 玩得很开心
eg. They are sure to have fun at the party tonight.   
Don’t make fun of this silly girl。
Step 4. Write a brochure for your camp. Follow the stages bellow. (1-4 steps) P.90.
Step 5. Homework :课后写作:《南阳教研》P.35 书面表达。
Step 6.  学后反思:我们如何更有效地应对阅读理解题呢?

Culture  Corner
(教学目标)Teaching & Learning objectives:
1. To improve the Ss ’s ability of reading.
2. To develop the Ss ’s cultural background knowledge。
Step 1. Look at notes: New words (2 min).
Step 2. Read the text (5 min).
Step 3. Do the EX1 and EX2. 5 min(4 min).
Step 4.小组探讨时间:老师在学生做完练习题后,公布答案,然后小组成员就错题进行讨论,必要时求助老师共同解决。(6 min)
Step 5. Language Points:
1. connect 联系,连接,二者互相连接或联系,但彼此仍保持各有的状态或特征。
be connected to by… be connected with/ to…
eg. This river is connected to that one.
2. in particular 特别,尤其(= particularly)
eg. I noticed his eyes in particular.
3. trade v. 交换,交易;n. 交易,买卖
trade… for… 用……交换…… trademark 商标 trademan 商人
eg. Li hua is trading with Mr Smith.   
 Can I trade my book for your novel ?
4. pass through 经过,穿过,经历
eg. We passed through Germany on our way to Austria.
5. influence n. & v. 影响,作用;势力
eg. Singing has an influence on her health.  
Don’t influence our studying.
6. remain 仍然是,reminder 剩余物,remaining 剩下的
eg. She remins pretty/ a heroine.
    There are the remaining tickets.

Step 6. Homework :各老师根据实际情况在南阳教研,英语周报任选。
Step 7. 学后反思 :
    1、What did you learn from in Unit 8 ?
2、What didn’t you grasp in Unit 8 ?    

阅读速度是阅读能力的一个标志。现行中学英语教学大纲要求高中各年级学生阅读速度达到每分钟40—60 个词。这是一种最基本的要求。近几年的高考考试要求学生在35分钟内阅读5篇短文,并完成20 个理解题目。这要求我们在平时的教与学中,一定要在培养学生的快速阅读能力上下功夫。
  (1)计时阅读。提高阅读速度首先应训练计时阅读。所谓计时阅读,就是阅读一篇文章时,记录下始末 时间,然后计算每分钟平均阅读的词数,简称为W.P.M。为培养计时阅读的习惯,教师可常在课堂内抽5—10分 钟时间进行计时阅读训练,但必须要求学生有强烈的时间观念。计时阅读的训练不只是计算个人读速的快慢问题,还包含复杂的技巧问题。因此只有大量的计时阅读练习,才能养成习惯。
  (2)成组视读,即按意群阅读。这是提高读速的关键,它要求在阅读时,把句子分为若干意群,通过眼球转动,扫视整个意群,整体领会意思。如:“What do you do in your spare time?”可分为两个意群读完。在每个意群中,要把重点放到具有实际意义的词上,如名词、形容词、副词、数词等。不必过多注意语法结 构方面的词,如冠词、介词等。

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