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摘要:英语教案-新教材高一教案UNIT11(第4课时)由www.67xuexi.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.67xuexi.com www.67xuexi.com2. Making sentences Have Ss make as many sentences as they can, using the words in his\her word list.3. Making up stories Have Ss make up stories, using the words in his\her word list. Step 4 Discussion As is known to all, music is a universal language. Suppose there is no music in this world, what will the world be like? Step 5 Demonstration Have some students report the result of the


2.       Making sentences

 Have Ss make as many sentences as they can, using the words in his\her word list.

3.       Making up stories

 Have Ss make up stories, using the words in his\her word list.


Step 4 Discussion

   As is known to all, music is a universal language. Suppose there is no music in this world, what will the world be like?


  Step 5 Demonstration

   Have some students report the result of their discussion to the rest of the class.


    1.Finish the workbook vocabulary exercises.

    2.Make up another story, using at least 5 new words and expressions.


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