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高三英语上学期(选修九)Unit 4 Exploring plants grammar 教案-高三英语教案

摘要:Teaching plan for grammar Teaching point: Grammar—object宾语 Performance objectives: To master the position of object, usage of direct object and indirect object. Procedures: Step 1: Introduction Step 2: Position of one object Step 3: Position of two objects Step 4: Distinguish “to” and “for” when used in the verb phrase with two objects Assignment: Exercises 教案《高三英语上学期(选修九)Unit 4 Exploring plants grammar 教案》,来自www.67xuexi.com网!http://www.67xuexi.com
高三英语上学期(选修九)Unit 4 Exploring plants grammar 教案-高三英语教案,标签:高三下册英语教案,高中英语教案,http://www.67xuexi.com
Teaching plan for grammar
Teaching point: Grammar—object宾语
Performance objectives: To master the position of object, usage of direct object and indirect object.
Step 1: Introduction 
Step 2: Position of one object
Step 3: Position of two objects 
Step 4: Distinguish “to” and “for” when used in the verb phrase with two objects
Assignment: Exercises 
  教案《高三英语上学期(选修九)Unit 4 Exploring plants grammar 教案》,来自www.67xuexi.com网!http://www.67xuexi.com

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