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摘要:下面为大家分享一份小学二年级的英语期中考试卷题目,希望大家能利用寒假进行练习,比别人多一分准备,就会比别人多一分收获。1 听一遍录音,判断听到字母与给出的字母是否相同.1.Gg( ) 2.Mm( )3. Oo ( ) 4.Ll ( )5.Kk ( ) 6.Hh ( ) 7. Bb ( ) 8.Aa ( )9.Cc ( ) 10. Dd ( )2. 听音排序1.What is the time?2. Do you like these shoes?3.I like the ABC song.4.What do you like?5.He likes this shirt.6.Amy likes these clothes.7.I go to school at 7 o'clock.8.I have science and Chinese in the morning.9.Let's ride my bike.10. Let's fly my kite.3.写出下列字母的小写字母A ( ) B ( ) C( ) D ( ) E ( ) F( )G


  1 听一遍录音,判断听到字母与给出的字母是否相同.

  1.Gg( ) 2.Mm( )3. Oo ( ) 4.Ll ( )

  5.Kk ( ) 6.Hh ( ) 7. Bb ( ) 8.Aa ( )

  9.Cc ( ) 10. Dd ( )

  2. 听音排序

  1.What is the time?

  2. Do you like these shoes?

  3.I like the ABC song.

  4.What do you like?

  5.He likes this shirt.

  6.Amy likes these clothes.

  7.I go to school at 7 o'clock.

  8.I have science and Chinese in the morning.

  9.Let's ride my bike.

  10. Let's fly my kite.


  A ( ) B ( ) C( ) D ( ) E ( ) F( )

  G( ) H( ) I ( ) J ( ) K( ) L ( )


  ----pple ---at ---ike ----ug ----ite ----at


  I.I ( ) the ABC song .( like likes)

  2 He ( ) these shoes. ( like likes)

  3..( ) you like this shirt. (Do Dose)

  4.What is the time? (It is 5 o'clock. Yes, it is)

  5.What do you like? ( I like this bike, Yes, I do)

Tag:小学二年级英语学习二年级英语学习,小学英语学习小学教育 - 小学英语学习 - 小学二年级英语学习