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Unit 23 Mainly revision-Lesson 89

摘要:Step 5 Summary让学生归纳、总结本课重点句型,培养他们良好的学习方法和动脑习惯。Can I get something to drink?What would you like?Could I have a glass of orange juice?Here you are.What about you?Do you have a big breakfast?That’s all.I have some fruit for breakfast.What’s your favourite sport?I like swimming, and I am good at basketball.Step 6 Exercises翻译下列短语:1.一篮子苹果__________ 2.一瓶果汁__________ 3.吃的东西__________4.他最喜欢的运动_______ 5.中国茶__________ 6.与…交谈__________7.几片面包__________ 8.擅长于……__________ 9.对……太难_____
Unit 23 Mainly revision-Lesson 89,标签:初一下册英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.67xuexi.com

Step 5  Summary


  Can I get something to drink?

  What would you like?

  Could I have a glass of orange juice?

  Here you are.

  What about you?

  Do you have a big breakfast?

  That’s all.

  I have some fruit for breakfast.

  What’s your favourite sport?

  I like swimming, and I am good at basketball.

Step 6  Exercises


  1.一篮子苹果__________   2.一瓶果汁__________   3.吃的东西__________

  4.他最喜欢的运动_______  5.中国茶__________     6.与…交谈__________

  7.几片面包__________     8.擅长于……__________  9.对……太难__________


  Answers: 1. a basket of apples  2. a bottle of juice  3. something to eat  4. his favourite sport  5. Chinese tea  6. talk with( to)…  7. some pieces of bread  8. be good at…  9. be hard for…  10. listen to music

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