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高一unit4 教案-教学教案

摘要: 本文摘 自教育资源网 wWW.chINeseJY.coM Unit4. Shopping for clothes(10 periods)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />Teaching aims:1. Functional language:a. Asking about problems.b. Asking about clothes sizes.c. Asking to try clothes.d. Agreeing to buy.2. The vocabulary about clothing.3. Grammar: a. The superlative form of the adj.b. The order of the adj.4. Teaching approach: Listening, Speaking
高一unit4 教案-教学教案,标签:高一下册英语教案,高中英语教案,http://www.67xuexi.com

本文摘 自教育资源网 wWW.chINeseJY.coM

           Unit4. Shopping for clothes(10 periods)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Teaching aims:

1.    Functional language:

a.    Asking about problems.

b.    Asking about clothes sizes.

c.    Asking to try clothes.

d.    Agreeing to buy.

2.    The vocabulary about clothing.

3.    Grammar: a. The superlative form of the adj.

b. The order of the adj.

4.    Teaching approach: Listening, Speaking,                   discussion, writing

5.    Teaching time: 10 periods

6.    Teaching procedure:


                 Describing Clothes

Step 1. Revision

1.    Greetings. Talk with students about

Tag:高一英语教案高一下册英语教案,高中英语教案免费教案 - 英语教案 - 高一英语教案