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5B Unit 3 Hobbies 教案设计之一

摘要:第一课时教学目标1 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。2 能正确地听、说、读、写单词:collect, a stamp, beautiful, a classmate, a ship, an animal。3 能正确地运用对话中的词组和日常交际用语:take photos, Show us his stamps, please.Here they are.4 能正确地理解并运用句型Do you have any hobbies? Do you like…? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. He/She likes…5 能初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。6 初步熟悉歌曲:Hobbies。教学重点:能正确理解对话内容并能朗读和初步表演对话。教学难点:1 能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能在掌握对话的基础上分角色表演对话。2 能初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。教学过程A Free talkEg: Good morning./How are you?/What day is it to
5B Unit 3 Hobbies 教案设计之一,标签:五年级下册英语教案,小学英语教案,http://www.67xuexi.com

1 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。2 能正确地听、说、读、写单词:collect, a stamp, beautiful, a classmate, a ship, an animal。3 能正确地运用对话中的词组和日常交际用语:take photos, Show us his stamps, please.Here they are.4 能正确地理解并运用句型Do you have any hobbies? Do you like…? Yes, I do.
No, I don’t. He/She likes…5 能初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。6 初步熟悉歌曲:Hobbies。
教学难点:1 能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能在掌握对话的基础上分角色表演对话。2 能初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。
A Free talk
Eg: Good morning./How are you?/What day is it today?/What lessons do you have in the morning/afternoon?/What subject do you like? Do you like…?
B Presentation and practice
1 T:(出示一张印有花卉的邮票)What’s this? It’s a stamp.
Drill: stamp
T: Look at this stamp. What’s this?
Ss: It’s a flower.
T: Yes, it’s beautiful.
Drill: beautiful
2 T(出示一张印有船的邮票)Look. There’s a ship on the stamp. It’s a ship stamp.
Drill: ship
3 T:(出示几张印有动物的邮票)What’s this on the stamp?
Ss: There’s a dog on the stamp.
T: Yes, the dog is an animal. It’s an animal stamp.
T: They are animal stamps.
Drill: animal
4 T:(出示一本邮册)I like collecting stamps. Look, I have many stamps. They are beautiful. Do you like collecting stamps?
Ss: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
Drill: collect/collect stamps.
5 T:(拿出一本相册)I like collecting photos.
(拿出照相机拍照)I like taking photos, too.
Drill: photo/take a photo.
Practise: The students say and do.(take a photo)
6 T:(请一男生和一女生到班前,教师指着女生对男生说)She’s your classmate.
(指全班学生)They are your classmates.
Drill: a classmate
7 Teaching of the sentence patterns.
1) T:(做游泳的动作)I like swimming. Do you like swimming?引导学生用Yes, I do./No, I don’t. I like…来回答。
2) 请一学生用I like…句型说出自己喜欢做的运动,教师逐一想全班:He/She likes…领说句型,学生跟读。
3) 教师出示Read and say部分的挂图进行句型介绍This is Yang Ling. She likes making clothes. Helen likes cooking and growing flowers.学生理解图片意思后模仿学说句型Yang Ling likes making clothes. Helen likes cooking and growing flowers.
4) 教师利用挂图进行问答练习,引出Does Yang Ling like making clothes? Yes, she does. Does Helen like taking photos? No, she doesn’t.领说句型。
C Read and say
1、 The students look at the picture and listen to the tape.
2、 The students listen to the tape and read after the tape.
3、 The students read the dialogue themselves and the teacher gives some help.
4、 The students read the dialogue in roles and act out the dialogue.
5、 Ask several groups of students to act out the dialogue.
D Listen to a song: Hobbies
E Assign homework
1 Listen to the tape, read the dialogue and act out the dialogue.
2 Make a new dialogue according to the dialogue of the text.
1、 能正确地听、说、读、写单词a coin和词组take photos, go shopping.
2、 能正确地听、说、读词组make model ships, collect stamps, collect coins, grow flowers, keep goldfish, make clothes.
3、 能唱本课英文歌曲。
1、 能正确地听、说、读、写单词a coin和词组take photos, go shopping.
2、 能正确地听、说、读词组make model ships, collect stamps collect coins, grow flowers, keep goldfish, make clothes.
1、 能正确地听、说、读、写单词a coin 和词组take photos,go shopping.
2、 能熟练运用本课所学的词组。
A Free talk and motivation
1 Eg: Good morning!/How are you?/Nice to see you./Do you like…?Does he/she like…?2 The students act out the dialogues.
3 Listen to the song: Hobbies, and sing after the song.
B Presentation
1 Present the pictures and say the phrases: take photos, make clothes, collect stamps.
2 T:(教师根据多媒体课件或动作图片提问)What’s he doing? He’s going shopping.通过教师自问自答引出make model ships, collect coins, keep goldfish,grow flowers等词组。
3 The students listen to the tape and read after the tape.
C Practice
1 把所有词组的图片贴在黑板上.教师说出一个词组请一位学生指出黑板上相对的图片。
2 师生根据动作或图片进行问答练习,如Do you like going shopping?No,I don’t. Do you like keeping goldfish? Yes, I do.

>>《5B Unit 3 Hobbies 教案设计之一》这篇教育教学文章来自[www.67xuexi.com网]www.67xuexi.com 收集与整理,感谢原作者。 3 教师引导学生看图,并用主语为第三人称单数的一般现在时叙述图片内容,如He likes making model ships. She likes making clothes.
4 学生同桌看图说话,自由操练词组。
D Consolidation
1 Listen and act or look and say.

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