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七年级英语 Lesson 11

摘要:Lesson 11教学目标: Make the students know:1 Why do plants need sunlight and water .2 The function of glass .3 How to look after the plant .The students should be able to:1 Know and remember why plants need sunlight , water ; what’s the function of the glass .2 Write something about how to look after the plant . 教具:一盆植物,浇水用的小水壶,松土用的小铲子等。 词汇:sprout over cover look after 句型:Why do sb.(sth.) need……? 教学设计: 1 向学生问候,复习前面学过的关于天气、学习等常用语句;复习前面课文学过的
七年级英语 Lesson 11,标签:初一下册英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.67xuexi.com
Lesson 11


Make the students know:

1 Why do plants need sunlight and water .

2 The function of glass .

3 How to look after the plant .

The students should be able to:

1 Know and remember why plants need sunlight , water ; what’s the function of the glass .

2 Write something about how to look after the plant .


词汇:sprout over cover look after

句型:Why do sb.(sth.) need……?


1 向学生问候,复习前面学过的关于天气、学习等常用语句;复习前面课文学过的植物的组成部分,植物是如何种植和生长的等内容。

2 说明本课内容: 如何照顾植物。


4 带领学生朗读单词与课文。

5 通过对话练习来巩固本课内容。

6 演示如何给植物浇水、松土,然后让同学上来做。

7 指导学生阅读“读物”,做“活动手册”上的练习题。

8 布置作业:背诵和抄写生词,熟读课文,用所学单词和句型描述如何照顾植物,完成练习题。

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