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Teaching plan for Lesson 62-教学教案

摘要: Step 1 Revision1. Revise What’s the weather like? It’s hot/cool/cold using the pictures. Ask It’s (spring).What’s the weather like today? <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />2. Revise the four seasons. Ask What’s the weather like in spring? Etc. Step 2 PresentationRevise You need to …. Show the pictures and sayL”cold” picture) It’s very cold. You need to wear warm clothes. Put on your coat. (“hot” picture) It’s very hot. You need
Teaching plan for Lesson 62-教学教案,标签:初三下册英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.67xuexi.com


Step 1 Revision
1. Revise What’s the weather like? It’s hot/cool/cold using the pictures. Ask It’s (spring).What’s the weather like today? <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

2. Revise the four seasons. Ask What’s the weather like in spring? Etc.


Step 2 Presentation
Revise You need to …. Show the pictures and sayL”cold” picture) It’s very cold. You need to wear warm clothes. Put on your coat. (“hot” picture) It’s very hot. You need to wear cool clothes. Revise take off by saying Take off your coat. Repeat using It’s best to …. And Why don’t you…? Tell the Ss to make a sentence starting with You need to…. E.g.

T: It’s cold.
       S: You need to wear warm clothes./Why don’t’ you put on your coat/sweater?
       T: It’s hot.
       S: Why don’t you take off your coat/ sweater? Etc本 文摘 自教育资源 网WwW.ChiNesEjY.cOM.
Repeat using It’s best to….  And  Why don’t you…?


Step 3 Practice

SB page 62, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 62. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat.

Remind them of the meaning of take off. Point out the use of isn’t it. Perform a short drill:

T: Very cold.

S1:It’s very cold today, isn’t it?

S2: Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.

T: Very warm.

S1: It’s very warm today, isn’t it?

S2: Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.

Then the Ss practise the dialogues in pairs. See who can act them out without the book!

Explain the meaning of the tag questions.


Step 4 Presentation

Tell the Ss to look at the map if the world(See page 67 of SB2). Ask What countries can you see? Help the Ss to answer.

Tag:初三英语教案初三下册英语教案,初中英语教案免费教案 - 英语教案 - 初三英语教案