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Lesson 70教学设计方案一-教学教案

摘要:Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector.Teaching Objectives:1. Let the students understand the dialogue and learn new words.2. Go over the Past Perfect Tense.Language Focus:New words: British, fail, summit, misty, mistUseful expressions: disappear into, the first men to do tins, try to reach the top ofTeaching Procedures:I. Showing the teaching aimsII. RevisionCheck homework. Ask the students to act out the dialogue.III. Leading inT: Today we are going to read a story about George Mal
Lesson 70教学设计方案一-教学教案,标签:初三下册英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.67xuexi.com

Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector.

  Teaching Objectives:

  1. Let the students understand the dialogue and learn new words.

  2. Go over the Past Perfect Tense.

  Language Focus

  New words: British, fail, summit, misty, mist

  Useful expressions: disappear into, the first men to do tins, try to reach the top of

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing the teaching aims

  II. Revision

  Check homework. Ask the students to act out the dialogue.

  III. Leading in

  T: Today we are going to read a story about George Mallory. What do you know about him? Where was he from? What was he? What did \w do in 1921 and 1922? Was he successful?

  IV. Reading

  Let the students read the text carefully, look at the questions in Workbook, exercise 1. Let than discuss the answers orally. Then check the answers with the whole class. Explain some language points.

  V. Practice

  Play the tape, let the students listen first, then repeat the text after the tape. Give them some time to practise reading the passage.

  VI. Workbook

  Let the students do Exercise 2 together. The answer are: climbing, climb, mountain, top, weather, disappeared, return, later, found, unknown, reached

  For Exercise 3, the answers are: 1 who 2 which 3 whether 4 that 5 why 6 as 7 who

  VII. Consolidation

  Get the students to ask and answer questions according to the text. Let them really understand the passage. Finally try to retell it.

  VIII. Summary

  Exercise in class

  Fill in the blanks with the right verb forms.

  1. The earth ___________ (go) round the sun.

  2. Look! The baby ________(cry) in the street.

  3. When _______ the Party ________( found)?

  4. They ________ (work) there since they came to the factory.

  5. Betty ______ ( enjoy) writing plays.

  6. I remembered I _________ ( bring) the hook with me.

  7. When ________you_________ (begin) to study English?

  8. He said he ____   ( arrive) in half an hour.

  9. Mary_______(cook) when her husband came into the kitchen.

  10. Its dangerous! ________.(not climb) up the hill.

  Answers: 1. goes 2. is going 3. was founded 4. enjoys 5. have worked 6. had brought 7. did begin 8. world arrive 9. was cooking 10. Don’t climb

  IX. Homework

  Read the whole story and retell it.


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