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第二课时 泛读课

摘要:第一步 作业检查1. Have a dictation. The teacher reads some sentences with new words or phrases in them.① They were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins on the Atlantic coast.② It is the second biggest city, which is surrounded by mountains on the north.③After settling down in their seats, they looked out of the windows at the wild scenery.④ Most Canadians live within 320 kilometres of the USA border.叫两个学生上黑板写,然后鼓励其他学生上黑板帮他们纠错,最后学生互改互评。2. Remind students of what they have l
第二课时 泛读课,标签:高二下册英语教案,高中英语教案,http://www.67xuexi.com

第一步  作业检查

1. Have a dictation. The teacher reads some sentences with new words or phrases in them.

①     They were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins on the Atlantic coast.

②     It is the second biggest city, which is surrounded by mountains on the north.

③After settling down in their seats, they looked out of the windows at the wild scenery.

④     Most Canadians live within 320 kilometres of the USA border.


2.  Remind students of what they have learnt in Reading.

第二步  引入话题  

Li Daiyu and Liu Qian saw lots of beautiful scenery when traveling in Canada. Last night the train that they were taking rushed across the top of Lake Superior. Which is the next city it runs towards?

第三步  预测文章的内容 

Look at the title of the passage “THE TRUE NORTH” FROM TORONTO TO MONTREAL and predict what the passage is mainly about.


1.Give students 5 minutes, and ask them to scan or skim for the answers to the following questions:

① What is the main idea of the passage?

③     How many parts is the text divided into and what’s the main idea of each part?



Main ideas



Suggested answers:

① The passage is about their trip to Toronto and Montreal and it gives us further information about Canada. 

② Part 1 (Paragraphs1-5) At noon, they arrived in Toronto and visited many places.

Part 2 (Paragraph 6) The next morning they got to Montreal and spent one day there.

Part 3 (Paragraphs 7) The trip from Toronto to Montreal ended. At night they left by train.

2.Give students 5 minutes to read the passage carefully, and answer the questions about the passage.

(Questions on page 39)

① How do we know it is fall in Canada?

② Which direction is the train going from Toronto?

③ Why did the girls go to Old Montreal?

④ What three things show us that Montreal is a French city?

3. Fill in the blanks.

They went on a _______ of _______, the most _______ and ______ city in Canada. They went up the tall _______ and saw the misty cloud that rose from _________. And then they visited ________ and had dinner in _______, where they could get good Cantonese food. The next morning they arrived in _______, a city which has a _______ culture.

Suggested answers: 

tour, Toronto, wealthy, biggest, CN Tower, the great Niagara Falls, the covered stadium, downtown Chinatown, Montreal, French

第五步  攻克理解重难点 (小组合作学习)

1. Ask students to go over the passage and find out their own difficult points in reading. Then discuss in groups of four trying to solve the problems together.

①     The teacher offers help at last if necessary.

③ The teacher can give them some sentences to paraphrase and check their understanding.

They were not leaving for Montreal until later, so they went on a tour of Toronto.

In the distance, they could see the misty cloud that rose form the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake.

第六步  角色扮演 听说训练(双人活动)

1. Ask the students to finish the reports in pairs. One is to deal with Li Daiyu’s Report which is about what they saw in Canada, while the other is to do with Liu Qian’s Report related to what they heard in Canada.

>>《第二课时 泛读课》这篇教育教学文章来自[www.67xuexi.com网]www.67xuexi.com 收集与整理,感谢原作者。

The two students exchange the information in the form of asking and answering questions. The listener writes down what he or she is told.

The students are encouraged to act out the dialogue in front of the class.

把Page 39的Writing 改为双人的听说训练。一个学生负责完成Li Daiyu’s Report,写出在加拿大的所见,另一个完成Liu Qian’s Report,写出所闻。然后采取问答式,将对方告知的信息写下来。

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