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Unit 4 It’s warm today

摘要:A:What’s the weather like in …?B:It’s … How about…?A:It’s …(三) Let’s check教师播放三次录音:第一遍让学生先听录音,第二遍勾出与录音内容相符的一项,第三遍检查。录音内容如下:In Beijing it’s sunny and warm. I go out and fly a kite.In Harbin it is cold, it’s snowy. I read a story.It is hot in Shenzhen. I go swimming.In Macao it is rainy. I watch TV in my room.(四)趣味操练 (Practice)教师将单词卡片sunny、rainy、windy、snowy、cloudy、cool、warm、hot、cold贴在黑板上,将城市名:Beijing Harbin Lhasa Hong kong Moscow Singapore Sydney London Tianjin竖排写在黑板上。一个同学说句子It
Unit 4 It’s warm today,标签:四年级下册英语教案,小学英语教案,http://www.67xuexi.com
  A:What’s the weather like in …?

  B:It’s …   How about…?

  A:It’s …

  (三) Let’s check


  In Beijing it’s sunny and warm. I go out and fly a kite.

  In Harbin it is cold, it’s snowy. I read a story.

  It is hot in Shenzhen. I go swimming.

  In Macao it is rainy. I watch TV in my room.

  (四)趣味操练 (Practice)

  教师将单词卡片sunny、rainy、windy、snowy、cloudy、cool、warm、hot、cold贴在黑板上,将城市名:Beijing  Harbin  Lhasa  Hong kong  Moscow  Singapore  Sydney  London  Tianjin竖排写在黑板上。一个同学说句子It is…in…,另一个同学根据句子内容将天气单词的卡片贴到相应的城市后面。


  完成本单元B Let’s talk的活动手册配套练习。

  给同学、朋友打电话用What’s the weather like?询问当地天气情况。



Unit  Four      It’s  warm  today

          What’s the weather like in Beijing?    It’s rainy.

          How about New York?                  It’s sunny.


  【课题】Unit four  It’s warm today   第六课时


  句子:It’s sunny and warm. It’s cold and snowy.

  【教学难点】Is it….?的问答;



  1、Read and Write部分的课件及录音。


  3、单词卡片:sunny,warm,cold,snowy,cool,cold, cloudy, hot, rainy, windy。


  (一)热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)



  教师提问:What’s the weather like in Beijing?

            What’s the weather like in Shanghai?


  请学生朗读P51对话后的句子:It’s cool.

  在本上认真书写句子It’s cool. 教师要巡视检查。

  (二)呈现新课 (Presentation)

  A. Lead-in


  Is it warm in Beijing?

  Is it snowy in Harbin?

  Is it cool in Shanghai?

  Is it windy in Lhasa?

  Is it cold in Urumqi?

  Is it hot in Hong Kong?

  引导学生根据记录用Yes, it is. 或No, it isn’t. 回答。

  请学生用Is it…?分别猜一猜London,Sydney,Singapore,Moscow的天气,教师前一天根据天气预报情况用Yes, it is. 或No, it isn’t. 回答学生的提问。

  请学生朗读P51对话后的句子:Is it cold?并说出意思。

  学生在本上规范书写句子Is it cold?教师提示学生注意标点是?。

  教师分别把It’s和Is it并排写在黑板上, 并且把单词卡片:sunny,warm,cold,snowy,cool,cold, cloudy, hot, rainy, windy贴到黑板上, 教师说句子:It’s sunny and warm.

  It’s cold and snowy.  It’s cool.  Is it cold?  Is it windy?  Is it cloudy?  Is it rainy?

  学生根据听到的句子分别将单词卡放到It’s .或Is it …?后。

  B. Input: Read and write

  教师打开课件主体图,说:Look,here’s a mountain. It’s high. It’s long. Let’s climb it. wait! What’s the weather like there? What shall we wear? (运用适当的体态语言帮助学生理解以上句子) Now, listen.

Unit 4 It’s warm today由www.67xuexi.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.67xuexi.com

  展示: 说一说调查的表格内容:It’s ….  I can/can’t wear my….





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